whereas, yesterday was a very, very confusing day...i am not sure if i am confused, disappointed, angry nor heart-broken
all i can say is the relationship has officially ended...she dressed to kill just to explain that we really need to breakup due to her personal reasons
i dont want to be pushy of any sort so therefore accepted the request without any resistance though it was really hard to take it, coz it took me like a S&A missile into a Taliban's hideout =_=

was hit by this yesterday (Tomahawk Block IV Cruise Missile)
for now, all i can say is i really am gonna miss her without any doubt. its easy to say that we can just move on. i really do need to get to my senses. therefore i really thank most of my friends yesterday who comforted me, you guys know who you are, additionally mama, dad in Rawang, aunty Lina and also huss i really love you all :)
may Allah Forgive me and her after all we went through though it was a short one and i dont take this relationship as a mistake
just take it positively... salam
P/S: due to the excitement of wanting to see her, i innocently wrote her name in the sand in PD...maybe its symbolic, as the name will be swept out to the sea sooner or later...we'll just move on somehow ;)