Sunday, January 31, 2010

Epic Failure

today is the point of my life where i can actually view my values and also my whole relationship life

whereas, yesterday was a very, very confusing day...i am not sure if i am confused, disappointed, angry nor heart-broken

all i can say is the relationship has officially ended...she dressed to kill just to explain that we really need to breakup due to her personal reasons

i dont want to be pushy of any sort so therefore accepted the request without any resistance though it was really hard to take it, coz it took me like a S&A missile into a Taliban's hideout =_=

was hit by this yesterday (Tomahawk Block IV Cruise Missile)

for now, all i can say is i really am gonna miss her without any doubt. its easy to say that we can just move on. i really do need to get to my senses. therefore i really thank most of my friends yesterday who comforted me, you guys know who you are, additionally mama, dad in Rawang, aunty Lina and also huss i really love you all :)

may Allah Forgive me and her after all we went through though it was a short one and i dont take this relationship as a mistake

just take it positively... salam

P/S: due to the excitement of wanting to see her, i innocently wrote her name in the sand in PD...maybe its symbolic, as the name will be swept out to the sea sooner or later...we'll just move on somehow ;)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Days of Depression

i can't believe that our relationship just wasted down the drain like that...i told her that we can still rebuild this relationship but unfortunately she came to her own conclusion that it will not work out any longer

having mixed feelings these few days which is either anger or sadness...anger because wasnt given the chance to really explain the real situation and to show that i still have affection towards her and sadness because this shitty incident just happened when we really got to know each other

so for now we are still having our break, i dont mean to condemn or anything but she keep her feelings to herself which makes this situation un-curable

i need help :(

From DeviantArt

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FINALLY!!!! i remembered my email address and password that i was using for this blog ... yezzaaaaaa!!!!

well lotsa things 2 years that this blog wasnt updated...seriously ALOT!!!

will keep updated when i get home today :)