Too bad didnt had the chance to snap photos until we got back home.
The doorgifts:
A rabbit-shaped gingerbread with Ranya's name on it...cute!!!
I dont dare to eat this, as it is soooo nice and sweet! told myself to keep this until Ranya can talk and converse with her uncles - only then i will show her our love towards her...=P
We also had a cup cake with Ranya's name on it
Now this cake is literally sweet and temting so I couldn't resist it and ate it...hehehehe

Was suppose to go for movies with someone today =P but was canceled as the mother wouldn't release her. so instead i may probably join my brother to Ruums KL for some Hitz FM bash or some sort. Hmmmm...its been a while when I haven't gone to a proper club...missed the good ol' days.
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